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Monday, January 13, 2003

And if you complain, once more. You'll meet and Army of ME!

So whatever happened to baby Eve..? It appears that no conclusive proof has come out of this claim from Clonaid. I have to admit I was torn by this announcement on December third. There was a part of me that worried just what if they had accomplished this feat and there are cloned babies out there? The other part of me hoped they had done it because there's nothing better then a wacko religious organization (I should mention here that I feel all religious organizations should begin with the term wacko. Like the wacko Baptists or wacko Catholics...) to set the science and religious community on its ear. If anyone were going to pull it off it would be some radical group with no real regard for human life because generally they can justify eliminating a few lives for the "cause." But it would appear that the latter was not to be. Cloanaid has been very aloof in their claims and offered no substantial (or even mediocre) proof to back them up. They've basically come out and said. "We did it. We are telling you we did it and you can either believe us or not." This is unfortunate for if they truly have accomplished the "impossible" then they need to have all the "ducks in a row" so to speak. Imagine what it could do not only for the Clonaid company but the Raelian movement as a whole. Why folks will be lining up to join Rael on the mother ship to begin cloning little armies. I know I would. Think of it. A whole army of little me's all designed to act like me and perform like me. Why I could take over the world! I could be unstoppable. Nations would tremble at the presence of my clone army as we ransacked nation after nation forcing those inhabitants to either side with me or fall to the great machine that is a million strong army of me! Then again... I am rather lazy and have been known to be quite insubordinate on many occasions. I have a feeling that my army may not accomplish much as none of them will really be able to take direction from any of the others or me for that matter and then there's those days where I’m just too depressed to get out of bed... Ah well it's but a dream best left unlived.

So what of this Eve and the Clonaid claim that she is the first of many to be popping out of Raelians worldwide. Will she end up acting on behalf of clone rights or will she fade off into that abyss reserved for Cato and that guy from Joe Millionaire... Only time will truly tell for sure one if they actually did it and two if she will ever be known to the general public as more then "Eve: The Super Clone Girl."

And what of the Raelians?
Where will this religious organization go now that they have had more press then they've probably ever seen since Rael got sucked up into the belly of that spaceship so long ago so the aliens could tell him that all life was created from cloning and they were the ones that did it. There are actually a few things I want to talk about when it comes to these folks and the media coverage of them. First let's look at Rael and just what he created...er excuse... was told. I would like to think that if his claim was true then why oh why would the aliens choose a writer, especially one whose job was to cover racing news, to tell of this fantastic story. Why not pop in to the United Nations and say "Hey guys... This is gonna seem real crazy and all but were aliens and well were responsible for you guys, y'know we made ya and stuff. So how 'bout we all climb aboard my cool spaceship and I'll give you the 4-1-1 on what's up with where you guys came from and how we need to start cloning babies..." That would seem to hold a little more clout then telling a third rate French sports writer to "Spread the word." Now if their defense I will say the media has been a tad unfair to them and their beliefs as they covered the story. They always passed on the news clips with just the tiniest bit of sarcasm and condescension in their voices when they would say "A company today claims to have cloned the first baby. Clonaid, a division of the Raelian movement a religious cult who believes the earth was created by aliens and we are clones of them." You could just hear them desperately trying not to laugh as they read the statement like they were thinkin "fools... they believe in aliens... they are so stupid." Meanwhile (to paraphrase George Carlin) they were off on Sunday to go pray to an invisible man who lives in the sky and spoke the entire universe into existence and while keeping track of that knows everything you do every second of the day. Then again... what the hell do I know.


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