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Thursday, March 20, 2003

I think we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief eh?

"Despite the newly heightened imminence of war in Iraq, all systems are go for the Sunday night Oscars — at least for now. Oscar telecast producer Gil Cates has issued a statement: “The Academy Awards are scheduled to proceed Sunday at 5:30 p.m.” But the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences this week will be going over its contingency plans, spurred by President Bush’s declaration Monday evening that military action against Iraq could be launched as soon as Wednesday night." Complete article here (If you care)

Thank GOD! And here I thought I was not going to get the opportunity to see a bunch of self absorbed assholes accept awards for taking stage direction while spouting out anti-war sentiment to anyone who gives a shit about their 30 million dollar a picture lives. You know what I hate? Actors. They are so self absorbed as to think we even remotely care what they have to say on any political front.

In a related article It seems we won't be getting the ol' red carpet review. Why whatever will Joan and Melissa do when they can't pick apart the fashionably challenged on E!. Has anyone thought about that? I mean they have families... Melissa just had a child for goodness sake. If she can't do her job however will she provide for her child... This is because of those selfish actors like Nicole Kidman.

"Nicole Kidman, lead actress nominee for The Hours, and Daniel Day-Lewis, who is up for lead actor for Gangs of New York, have told The Associated Press that they would feel uncomfortable appearing cheerful and stylish in the midst of war."

Glad to know they'd feel a little uncomfortable being "cheerful and stylish in the midst of war" you know I have to admit I was concerned... I said to my wife just the other night.

"Do you think all those actors will feel a bit uncomfortable if we go to war? You know being all cheerful and stylish while troops are fighting life and death battles for $18,000 a year so the celebs can continue to make hundreds of millions of dollars for remembering what some other person wrote."

So if I can offer any advice to those brave actors who wandered out amidst the terror of oscar night it would be this.
Hey You! Yeah you actor person! Read your lines, look pretty, grab your little statue, and SHUT THE FUCK UP!


Tuesday, March 18, 2003

The Lord will protect and guide you... Sometimes

It seems that Evangelical Christians are cancelling their missionary work saving those less fortunate than themselves from the horror of worshipping the wrong God. It would appear that although God is almighty and protects his children from harm that his reach only works on American shores. I find this interesting when you consider the fact that the people they are trying to "save" through Christian ministry are more than willing to die for their beliefs while the Christians kind of go "Whoa now waitaminit here... Sure I love the Lord, lots, but I'm not gonna die to spread his word. I mean come on, people get killed in these countries." So I guess faith only goes so far. You can only preach the gospel and help to turn entire countries, which were riddled with hunger, famine, and disease, in to Christians that are riddled with hunger, famine, and disease if it's safe. Now this part I loved:

"The potential for risk outweighed the potential for ministry," said the Rev. Ed Rowell, whose People's Church in suburban Franklin abandoned plans for a mission to Krygyzstan, where a radical Islamic group has called for a holy war against Americans.

Beautiful. Hey we'd like to spread the word but we just can't right now. You understand don't ya God?

Or even better still the other side of the argument:

Earl Lavender, director of missions at Church of Christ-affiliated Lipscomb University in Nashville, left Friday with a group of students headed for Scotland and England. "I choose to live in a world where God is in control," Lavender said. "If we stop out of fear, then how are we different from people in the world who don't have hope?"

Yeah! You go Earl. You traverse the treacherous and uncertain political climate that is England and Scotland. Watch out guys. I saw Braveheart. Those Scotsman can be a rowdy unruly bunch... I'd also bet good money that High Tea is just some sort of subversive ritual for mass disruption of the Christian ideals. Keep up the good work.


Monday, March 17, 2003

All right, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me - so let's just do this and I'll get back to killing you with beer.
Homer Simpson

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! Go have a green beer!


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