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Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Excuse me you appear to have some internet stuck to your shoe.

Just when I think the world can get no wackier something comes along that truly makes me slap myself in the head and say "Why didn't I think of that?". The future of potty breaks is here and it is brought to you by the fine folks at MSN. Move over Ginger... it's the iLoo! Imagine you are sitting on the commode, desperately trying to remove the super size corndog on a stick you picked up at the Dave Matthews concert and you look to your right and there it is... No not the toilet paper but the beautiful shiny glow from a plasma screen beckoning you to do some online business why you conduct your business. Fantastic. Let's be hones here. How many times do great ideas or thoughts pop in to your head while you are sitting there? At least twice. Now you can look up anything that pop's in to your red-faced strained little head without having to wait. Check out the specs on this bad boy:

"...complete with flat-screen plasma display, wireless keyboard and broadband access."

Waitaminit??? Wireless keyboard? How long before someone walks off with that? Then what will you do? You're stuck staring at the MSN homepage longing to know just what J-Lo and Ben Affleck were wearing at the Grammy’s only to be taunted by 64x64 pixel thumbnail image and no way to click and find out. Speaking of thumbnails... Will this thing have parental controls? Think about it. It's hard enough to get a twelve year old out of the bathroom but now he can go to a public toilet and view porn on screen with his pants around his ankles? Sounds like nothing but trouble to me. Tell me there won't be a long line for that one.

All in all I think this is probably one idea whose time has not come. I know, I know, I'm a pessimist but I have to admit I just can't see the validity of this "invention" (and I use that term loosely) mainly because the last thing I want to do is put my hands on a keyboard that has been touched by hundreds of unwashed hands as they sit on the crapper...

Maybe it's just me.


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