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Monday, June 23, 2003

Ah yes, yes, once in a while indulge...spree and pee...a look at the girls and a brawl...not too bloody...ring around the rosie...you know...shake the bugs out of the rug.
- Henry Miller

It's that time of year my friends... When ill heads overseas to spread my own personal joy with the other side of the pond. Europeans love me. I argue and debate while sipping coffee or wine all the while looking self important and wearing black for the death of my soul. I've even learned to master the "Bah" and audible "lip blow" of the best French debaters. I can do it... I'm doing it now!

Seriously though, my friend is to be married in a week. I tried to talk him out of it but he seemed dead set on it and there appeared to be nothing I could do about it... So... I decided a bachelor party was in order... in Amsterdam. Oh yeah. Now that is what I'm talking 'bout! We shall shake the canal houses to their very cobblestone foundations as a strange grouping of fellows from all walks of life waddles the streets with one purpose and one purpose alone... To honor our fallen brother with drink and song and all things that should not be done by self-respecting gentlemen... That night we shall rise like Phoenix from the ashes to be reborn!!! Dionysus and Bacchus shall sit at each shoulder as we struggle for consciousness and stability... We shall scream from the rooftops and pass out in alleys. The gods will sing songs in our honor!!! We shall rule the night.

Fear not readers as my hotel has provided me with complimentary internet service so I shall be able to capture the debauchery for all the world to see. I will even take pictures that surely will prevent us from holding public office one day. I will do all of this and more for my loyal readers, as I love you all... Revel with me and be a part of the party!

LIVE DAMN YOU LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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