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Tuesday, February 03, 2004

MmmmmmMMMMmmmmm a Super bowl full of testosterone, testicle trashing, fart jokes, and nudity.

I didn't watch the big game. Mainly because I don't watch football. Not that there is anything wrong with supporting glorified thugs with a third grade education and a ten figure salary for playing a game best reserved for eight year olds on a playground, it's just not for me.

So I missed most of the commercials and the exposed breast. Damn. Once again I’m behind the times.
Which brings me to the point of this....

Many people have jumped on the bandwagon that the whole thing was staged. That it was planned from the beginning and everyone knew it was going to happen. I on the other hand, fully support the real victims in this... Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake. Here were two innocent kids victimized by big business trying to save a few bucks on wardrobe and shipping it off to some third world country to be produced. As I looked at this I began to realize the alarming frequency with which this sort of thing happens. For instance...

Britney Spears' wardrobe during the MTV Video awards. Here she is starting out in a nice suit/hat combination and the next thing you know BLAMMO! The whole thing comes apart at the seams and, being the consummate performer she is, is forced to finish the entire song in only her bra and panties. Shameful.

But she's not the only one. Look at Christina Aguilllarala... Aquilare... Aguila... well however you spell it Look at poor Christina. Here is a girl that just wants to be a singer yet every time she takes the stage she's forced to wear a costume where the seat has fallen out of it. There she is trying her best to sing and act like nothing is wrong and the whole time people are forced to focus more on her derriere than her songbird like qualities. No wonder she can't get a break.

So I say to all out there. Be not mad at the poor performers. They are victims of big business cutting corners. Just trying to save some bucks and passing the shoddy work onto you the consumer. Don't let them stand up and fight!!! Tell them NO MORE will we be exposed to pop singer body parts!!! We want double stitching Mr. Bigwig and we want it now!!!

Until then we'll just be forced to stare at exposed nipples and genitalia as some fifteen cent a day worker in Central America says... "Meeesteeeer Geffin want seeengle steeech? Meeesteeeer Geffin get seeengle steeech?"


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