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Monday, March 08, 2004

So they convicted Marthat Stewart on all four remaining counts. Now, let me preface this by saying, I am not a Martha fan. Never really liked her a whole lot but I'm troubled by this. As I see this as a travesty to rich people everywhere. It says to me... "Hey rich people! We will tolerate no more of your richotry!" Personally I think this is unfair. If you are rich, by virtue of birth or heaven forbid build it up from nothing, then yes I feel you are entitled to certain things. One of which is stick it to the little guy. Stick it hard! By god, you earned that right! So when I see things like:

“Maybe it’s a victory for the little guys who lose money in the market because of these kinds of transactions,” said juror Chappell Hartridge, of the Bronx.

I think to myself was this justice? Or just some poor schmuck who made some bad investments and now wants to take it out on Martha, or anyone for that matter, that did better than him. It's a shame really. See, call me old fashioned, but I still believe in an America where, no matter who you are, you can rise above the befuddled masses and carve your own little piece of pie. Blaming your failures on someone else, and then of all things, taking it out on a poor celebrity is just uncalled for. And I even wrote once:

"Even the lowest of us all desires to sit in Caesar's sky box and watch the melee unfold so that we too can hold out our thumb and decide the fate of those who have lorded their fame and fortune over us."

But I think the next passage from a really old post, holds it all together.

"We are constantly looking for the next society created messiah to come forth and royally screw up so we can nail them to the CNN and MSNBC cross as we collectively jab a spear into his or her side and say "How dare you!" We seem to lose track as we watch the mighty fall that the only reason they were mighty in the first place was because we put them there."

So i get torn when I see things like this. There is a part of me that knows deep down their guilty. But their rich, and we made them rich. Now all of a sudden since we all aren't basking in the warm glow of the dot com bubble we choose to take it out on those, who by virtue of being rich, were smart enough to get while the gettin was good. But come on people... we let OJ off for killing his wife and were going to convict an uptight WASP with an uncanny ability to wield a hot glue gun to up to 20 years for making some green? We should be ashamed of ourselves.

Then again what the hell do i know...



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