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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Before I start this rant I would like to offer you the entire article of said rant.

Billboards urging men not to have sex with minors

Associated Press
Jun. 14, 2004 11:00 AM

RICHMOND, Va. - The state is posting billboards with messages such as "Isn't she a little young?" as part of a campaign to dissuade men from having sex with underage girls.

The campaign is aimed at reducing the number of young girls who have children with older men, the Virginia Department of Health said Monday.

In 1999 and 2000 in Virginia, men over 18 were responsible for 219 births involving girls who were 13 and 14, the department said.

Messages such as "Isn't she a little young?" and "Sex with a minor, don't go there" also appear on posters, coasters and napkins in bars, restaurants and stores in five cities.

"We encourage adult men to talk to their peers and discourage them from pursuing teenagers. What they are doing is unhealthy and against the law," said Robert Franklin, a health department official.

Did everyone read it? Good. You know, I was going to go on a rant here. About things like... We live in a world where we have to do an ad campaign to stop people from having sex with minors?!??!? But instead I will just let the slogans speak for themselves:

"Isn't she a little young?"

"Sex with a minor, don't go there."

No screw it... I can't let this pass. I gotta say something. Let me see if I got this. You are sitting around at your favorite beer joint talking with a friend.

Guy: "So yeah man, I met this chick and she's so into me. I'm gonna go by and pick her up from school tomorrow."

Friend: "School? Wadayamean?"

Guy: "Yeah. School."

Friend: "Um, how old is she exactly?"

Guy: "I dunno, 13 maybe 14."

Friend (thinking to himself): "This is wrong. How do I tell my friend that he shouldn't do this? What do I say? Waitaminit, what's that? Under my beer there. What does that coaster say? Oh perfect."

Guy: "Why do you think that's a problem?"

Friend (now filled with confidence): "Dude, Sex with a minor, don't go there."

Guy: (appears contemplative): "Man, I think you're right. Wow... I coulda made the worst mistake of my life. You really are a friend. Wadayasay we go get some crack and hookers and head back to my place."


Monday, June 14, 2004

Fighting God's war...

Can you hear it? There off in the distance... the howl of the beast infecting our schools and polluting the minds of our children. Shhh... just listen. The evil is there. Sure it seems faint the devil may speak softly... but he carries a big stick fulla sin and he can't wait to get to your kids through the demonic and hell spawned system that is... your public schools.

T. C. Pinckney knows all about it. And he is making a plea to good God fearing Southern Baptists everywhere... He "and attorney Bruce Shortt of Houston, Texas, have submitted a proposal encouraging Baptist parents to pull their children out of public schools.

The two advocate home schooling and Christian academies.

'We must teach and train our children how to work as a unit, to know what tactics to use,' Pinckney said. 'They must be prepared to go into spiritual battle. Government schools cannot train them to storm the gates of Hell.'"

Wow... "spiritual battle" eh? Storm the "Gates of Hell" you say? Sounds like somthin is a' brewin and it's time to pick sides! What does T.C. (isn't he that guy that flew the helicopter in Magnum PI?) know that the rest of us don't? Is the sky a' fallin? Is the earth a' dyin? DEAR GOD PEOPLE CAN'T YOU HEAR THE TRUMPETS SIGNALING THE FINAL COMING?!?!?!? REVELATIONS HERE PEOPLE!!!! REV-A-FRIGGIN-LA-TIONS!!!!

Ok... Ok... All kidding aside. Isn't this just a little scary? Am I the only one bothered by the fact that some nutcase is actually appealing to the Southern Baptist committee to boycott public schooling? Hey I'm all for your right to keep your children out of public school and "home school" em right next to the stockpile of arms and bibles. You do what you feel you need to do. But to start appealing to the convention... and to top it all off to be given a voice to hold that appeal by said convention. Well, it makes me shudder a bit. Shudder in the same way I did as I watched the Branch Davidians go up in flames. Maybe it's just me...

In other news... It seems "one nation under God" will stay in the pledge of allegiance. I'm bothered by this on many fronts. First off because it's there (and wasn't originally). And let's be honest here folks the only reason it was put there was so we could show ourselves as better folks than those godless commie bastards! Better Dead than RED people.

I'm also pissed, and here is where my conflict happens, that my tax dollars were wasted on a needless court case. There are so many things that could have been better spent than whether or not "God" should remain in the Pledge of Allegiance. Hey I'm as atheist as the next nutjob but I also know how to pick my battles. You want to leave God in the Pledge. Fine. I won't fight you. You want to take my child to a revival and hand her a bible? Well then... we gonna have issues!

So what does all this mean?

I dunno...

Maybe everything.

Maybe nothing.

I guess I should just do what I’m told…….

"If you want to get your soul to heaven,
trust in me.
Now Don't you judge or question.
You are broken now,
but faith can heal you.
Just do everything I tell you to do.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow.
Let me lay my holy hand upon you."


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