10:47 PM by ill
Been awhile hasn't it. I think I spent so much time being angry I forgot how to vent it via humor. I've missed both of you and I suppose, in some sick way, perhaps you missed me. My problem has been my life, not unlike the links and missing images, has been broken.
I caved.
I just kind of gave in. I've been spending so much time being pissed at the world I just kind of let it happen. So be it. Not my problem.
It is my problem though. Actually, it's all our problem.
This world is really screwy. Think I'm lying? Talk to Africa or Gaza or Syria or Iraq or for that matter just the fourth district of Tennessee. To paraphrase Firesign Theater, I think we're all bozos on this bus.
But I honestly will try to be back. I will try to post regularly for both of you. I will try to turn the light on the stuff I just don't get in the hopes that perhaps it's not just me. It's me though isn't it.
It probably is.
10:12 PM by ill
I believe it's time I returned.